Oat Sheaf Fountain


Oat Sheaf Fountain

This new fountain design was inspired by the idea of a sheaf of oats, suggested  by an eminent garden designer.  I have based the design on wild oats, because the spikelet heads on each stem have elegant long ears.
The fountain takes the form of a bound sheaf of many oat stems with one or more heads curving over. Each spikelet head emits a fine stream of water from its long ear. The many fine laminar water streams form an outwards curving shape, complementing  the shape of the oat sheaf. These streams show up brightly in sunlight  or lateral illumination.
The first version of this fountain design to be made has been exhibited at the Hampton Court Flower Show. The full visual effect  and sound is impressive and it was greatly admired at the show..
1.50m high : £8,000