Trumpet Lily Fountain

Trumpet Lily Fountain
This fountain has a flower head, or heads, which are hand beaten from copper, to form the petals of a Trumpet Lily.Water is projected upwards in a laminar column, which collapses on itself at a certain height. The collapsed column, falling on the rising water, forms an interesting randomly changing shape of water and a splendid sound. The height of water and the intensity of sound can be varied by adjusting the flow rate.
With a single flower head, this fountain is suitable for a pond. With two or more flower heads, it makes a fine display in a long pond. This would make a splendid water feature in a large garden, corporate or public space.
Height of Trumpet Lily (above pond surface): 40cm
Height of water display: variable up to 2m
Price OneTrumpet Lily £1,070
Two Trumpet Lilies £2,080